Quick facts about #AAJA24
Date: August 7-11,2024
Location: Hilton Austin, 500 E 4th St, Austin, TX 78701
Registration deadline: Thursday, August 1
This year’s theme
We’re thrilled to unveil this year’s theme: Meeting the Moment. It recognizes that amid tough times, our work as Asian American and Pacific Islander journalists is more important than ever. We encourage attendees to be fully present as we gather in the Texas state capital during an election year to engage with what’s happening right now — and what’s set to happen — in journalism, politics, and society.
Program Schedule
#AAJA24 begins on Wednesday (8/7) at 10am with 6+ concurrent breakout rooms sessions curated by Convention Programming Committee, AAJA-HQ. and Partners; followed by Opening Reception that evening.
Each day, Wednesday (8/7) - Saturday (8/10), you will have the opportunity to attend 4 sessions, in addition to potential lunch sessions and evening receptions/mixer. The Exhibitor Hall opens Wednesday at 12PM and features recruiting partners and marketplace. Exhibitor Hall closes on Friday at 3PM.
The convention closes out on Saturday night with AAJA's Annual Gala Scholarship & Awards Banquet. The program will highlight key members and speaking guests: Connie Chung and Viet Thanh Nguyen.